Sermon Short for June 24th, 2018

Sermon Short for June 24th, 2018 – Can’t we all just get along?
John 17:20-26, Ephesians 4:1-6

Of course we can expect that whenever two or more are gathered in Christ’s name there will be differences of opinion. The fledgling church had many camps and cults each claiming to have the truth about the Christ and God; each staking out their own territory and striving for converts to their way of thinking.

Emperor Constantine of Rome legalized the Christian religion in the early 4th century and soon needed a clear definition of what a Christian was and what a Christian was not. He called for a huge meeting of all the main leaders (some say as many and 2,000 when you include all the support staff) at a place called Nicea (in what is now Turkey). The Council of Nicea settled a few of the divisive questions of the faith, but not all.

And the church grew up a little bit. But it was not unanimous. It still is not unanimous, and it is still growing.


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