Sermon Short for March 22nd, 2020

Sermon Short for March 22nd, 2020

Through the Crisis

Psalm 23

            This Sunday we will break away from our Lenten series on the Seven Last Words of Christ. Instead, looking at the Revised Common Lectionary we find The 23rd Psalm is supposed to be read. The Shepherd, the sheep, the still waters, the anointing … all wonderful images for us in a time of crisis.

            Most of us have this Psalm memorized from our youth. Let’s look at it again from the perspective of God’s people swept up in a calamity, because the history of God’s people shows that we are more often in crisis than not. It is clear the writer of The 23rd Psalm was familiar with adversity and hardship. Yet the words are still words of comfort and hope.

            The 23rd Psalm is not only about comfort and assurance during a time of trouble, it is about the promise that on the other side of the trouble, something better waits for us. And the shepherd takes us there.


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