Sermon Short for July 8th, 2018 – Darwin and all that!

Sermon Short for July 8th, 2018 – Darwin and all that!

Genesis Excerpts, Psalm 8, Psalm 33

Darwin’s proposed his theory of evolution in the mid 1800’s and it rocked the world. It was one of the most significant advances in the history of science. It changed many domains of study – primarily biology but it also had a tremendous impact on religious thought. Christian thinkers were, and continue to be, challenged to reconcile a rational, fact-based account of our origins with a poetic, artistic song of creation from our scriptures. I have often preached that the two stories are not incompatible.

We continue our sermon series mapping out how Gale Presbyterian Church has emerged from millennia of God’s people growing and maturing in their understanding of our place in creation. Darwin had a lot to do with what we now believe.

It’s a good thing. We’re growing up.


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