TerraCycle Recycling: Click here to find out what items we are collecting
Gift Cards
Gale is one of the charities supported by a local company that sells gift cards. Loyalty Funding of Elmira sells the cards, you pay and use the face value of the cards like cash, and a percentage of the purchase price goes to the charity, at no extra cost to you.
Here’s how it works:
You sign up to purchase the same amount of cards each month. These are expenses that you regularly incur, such as groceries for your family, gas for your car, or coffee for your energy! The cards are mailed directly to your home each month. A percentage of the sale is donated to Gale.
When we are under 15 participants supporting Gale, Loyalty Funding will charge you a reduced amount for your cards and you would directly compensate Gale the difference. For example, if you ordered $300 in grocery cards and $50 in gas for your car, you would get the 3% (for example) discount and only pay $339.50 for the cards, a savings to you of $10.50. Then, you would be responsible for donating those “savings” to Gale either by sending one lump payment annually (12 months x $10.50 = $126) or by increasing your monthly PAG or e-transfer by $10.50.
Once we have 15 people supporting Gale, the company will track the purchases and forward the donation annually to the church. Imagine if 20 of us spent $650 each month. By the end of the year, Gale would receive $4,680. Without any of us spending more.
Even small purchases help. A monthly grocery card of $200 can earn $72 annually in donation to Gale.
To get involved, go to the following link: www.loyaltyfunding.ca
Select “Support a Cause” from the menu bar at the top of the page.
Then, at the bottom of the next page choose “Continue to Online Ordering” where you will order your cards and be asked to name your charity. Once we have 15 people signed up, Gale should appear as a choice on the website.
Newspaper Collection – program ending as of Dec. 31, 2024
We at Home Hardware Dealer Support Center would like to thank you for your patronage and support over the years while we ran the newspaper donation program.
The business has decided it will be best to discontinue the Newspaper donations program effective December 31st 2024. The company is being steered in a different direction and are reusing all paper and cardboard we generate to help promote a green workplace.
Our heartfelt thanks goes out to you.
Home Hardware Dealer Support Center St Jacobs