FEB 11 Book Study 6PM
FEB 12 Book Study 10AM
FEB 12 Life & Mission Meeting (7pm)
FEB 13 Bells (10am) & Choir (7pm) Practices
FEB 18 Tuesday Lunch
FEB 21 Messy Church
March 1 Stitching Swap (Click here for details)
Camp Registration
will open mid February. Stay tuned for more details.

Gale Presbyterian strives to be a welcoming and safe space for people of all ages, gender identities, racial and cultural backgrounds, sexual orientations, abilities, economic circumstances and family configurations.
Each of us should be celebrated for who God has made us to be: a unique part of God’s beautifully diverse creation. “For just as the body is one and has many parts, and all the parts of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ.” (1 Corinthians 12:12)

Join us for worship on Sundays at 10:30 am in-person or online via our Livestream.
Children are welcome in our sanctuary or to attend Sunday School part-way through the service.
If Sunday doesn’t work for your busy family, join us for Messy Church (a Friday evening monthly program for all ages).
Click here for more details.

Hebrews 13:2
Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.
If it’s been a while, or a very long time (or never) since you walked into a church, you might feel a bit nervous or even intimidated to come through the doors.
Please don’t!
Gale would like you to know that you are a welcome traveller on the journey regardless of your “church/no church” experience or background. You’ll meet people who are both long-haulers (have made church a part of their lives forever) as well as people who have ventured on this spiritual journey more recently. All share a curiosity about how God’s love and Jesus’ message applies to everyday life. The weekly sermons feed, encourage, inspire, and sometimes challenge listeners to live the life God wants for all people.
Here are some answers to some common questions:
What time should I arrive: Anytime between 10:15 and 10:30 will get you here on time! Chat with others, reflect on your own, or catch up on church activities by reading the announcements on the screen before things get started.
Parking: We have a large lot and plenty of spaces around the church as well as a covered portico where you can drop off a passenger before parking if you wish. Handicapped parking is available closer to the door.
What should I wear: No special expectations here. Wear what makes you comfortable – we don’t require formal dress or head coverings. (But if you want to wear either, that’s ok!) You will find people dressed in jeans, in dresses, wearing ties, or no ties with casual tops. Shorts in summer.
As you enter: There is a large welcoming narthex where people often chat before the service. You will see two open doors that lead into the sanctuary where the service is held. There are greeters who will say hello and help you find a seat if you wish. (very comfy cushioned seats!) If you have time before or after the service, there’s a library next to the sanctuary if reading is something you enjoy.
Accessibility: There are designated wheelchair locations in the sanctuary and parking spots in the lot. There are washrooms available, also wheelchair accessible.
What about children: Jesus said to bring the children to him, and so Gale does. Children are welcome in the sanctuary, as well as at the communion table. Sunday School is held during the church service. Children are invited (but not required) to leave the sanctuary with teachers after the children’s story. There is a nursery for younger children, but if you prefer, you can keep your child with you. Or, you can go into the nursery and still watch the service through the window. Church volunteers go through a police check.
Music: Yes, there is singing, and the words are on a screen for all to read. There’s a choir and a praise band so the music is varied and included to strengthen the day’s message. Expect to see the minister frequently leading with guitar while the music director plays piano or clavinova. Sometimes other instruments are involved in special musical presentations.
Offering/Giving: Gale recognizes that “giving” happens in a variety of ways, including monetary, as well as the gift of talent and time. There is a donation plate inside the Sanctuary Doors available for those who are able to financially support the church. The donations help pay for the staff, including our minister, as well as the costs of running a facility. If able, you just place your donation into the plate before you sit down. If you put the money inside an envelope with your name and address on the outside, the offering will be recorded for an income tax receipt.
Order of Service
Although things can change, a typical service is as follows:
Call to worship
Children’s story
Scripture Reading
Reflection (often music provided by choir)
Pastoral Prayer and Lord’s Prayer
Offering, Prayer, Hymn
Benediction, Sending Hymn
Coffee hour: There may be coffee, juice, and cookies available after the service. Everyone is welcome to stay and visit.
Need to find us? Join us in our location 10 Barnswallow Drive at the corner of Barnswallow Drive and Church Street West (Highway 86) on the northwest corner of Elmira, ON., Canada.
Gale Presbyterian is located on the traditional territory of the Haudenosaunee (Ho-den-o-show-nee), Anishinaabe (Ah-nish-nah-bey), and Chonnonton (Chi-nawn-ton) peoples.
This is part of the Haldimand Tract, which encompasses six miles on either side of the Grand River.
We acknowledge this territory’s significance for the Indigenous peoples who lived, and continue to live, upon it and whose practices and spiritualities were tied to the land and continue to develop in relationship to the territory and its other inhabitants today.
We acknowledge that The Presbyterian Church in Canada has been a part of the residential school system.
And together we seek a new relationship with the First Nations of this land, one based in honour and deep respect.
Previous Worship Services