Adult Ministry


Book Club: Click here for the 2024/25 schedule.




Helping Hands meet at Gale once a month on a Friday morning (9:30 – 11:30) (excluding July & August).

This group knits/crochets for the Gale Prayer Shawl ministry as well as hats, mitts, slippers, sweaters and socks for children locally and for our Mission partners.  Whether creating for a specific mission, or working on your own handiwork project, or coming out to enjoy a cup of coffee and conversation, we would love to have you share this time with us.

Join us on the following 2025 dates:

January 10
February 7
March 7
April 4
May 2
June 6


Secret Friends 2025
Join us on Sunday, January 12 from 3-5pm!
Cost will be $10

Come for some food and social time and to reveal who your current friend is from 2024.  We will then be picking new friends for 2025.

If you didn’t have a friend and would like to join in, you can! 
You can also just come for the gathering and not take on a secret friend. 
If you have a current friend and you aren’t able to attend, please let Melanie know so can help arrange the reveal. 

Let Melanie know if you are attending so can plan accordingly!

Any questions?  Please contact Melanie Dow (


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