Apple Pies

October is apple pie month at Gale and this year’s efforts didn’t disappoint: 1,455 pies made from 75 bushels of apples.

The three-day event is supported with donations of flour and sugar from P&H Milling (aka Bruce MacIntyre), lard from Rothsay (aka Vicky Hammell), 30 bushels of apples from Doris Milliken, and freezer space from Foodland.

On the Thursday evening, 45 volunteers made 550 pies from 6 – 9 pm (and enjoyed the fruit of their labour warm before leaving!). Friday evening and Saturday morning rounded out the volunteer shifts.

Sandy Kendall is checking the Guinness World Book of Records to see if we can enter.

Profit from this event is anticipated to be around $12,000 which includes a $500 donation from Faith Life.

– Vicky Hammell


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