Bulletin Announcements for Sunday, Dec.13


TODAY **Join us for refreshments and fellowship after worship **
Tuesday         Christmas Luncheon
                        Prayer Group – 7:30 p.m.
Wednesday    Life & Mission Meeting – 7 p.m.
Thursday       Choir – 7 p.m.
Friday             All Together Time – 6:30 p.m.

Woolwich Community Services provide support for the most vulnerable in our Community.
We help by filling our grocery cart each month.  For the month of December we are collecting: Crackers and Cookies.


Thank you very much to EVERYONE who has helped make coffee and fellowship a success.   If you would be willing to make coffee for coffee and fellowship please sign up on the bulletin board in the fellowship hall.
We are in need of people for the month of December and in the New Year.


Finance Update:
Donations have continued at a steady pace through November. We received $14,400 as general fund donations.  In the building fund we received $25,200 of donations, however, of this $22,300 was a special one-time donation. We have collected large portions of the December luncheon money already and our apple pie revenue has also been deposited. With these fundraising efforts, our year-to-date general fund is now operating at a surplus of approximately $10,000.

It is also budget time. If you or your committee have any special requests please provide them to Peter MacKenzie via pwsmackenzie@gmail.com for consideration by the Board in the 2016 budget.


Thank you to everyone who donated to the Mitten Tree.
We were able to donate to Woolwich Community Services; 13 Pairs of Mitts, 28 Hats, 5 Sets (Hat and Mitts together) and 13 Scarfs. This will greatly help those in need.


Wow! Words can’t describe the thank you that needs to be given to the congregation and the children of the Sunday School.  The Sunday School Mission Project is now complete.  We raised $415 (goal was $238) for the Gifts of Change Program.  With this we are able to buy multiple items of some of the ones the Sunday School Children picked out.  Thank you to the Sunday School children for their offerings that they collected downstairs in October and November.   Thank you to everyone who donated through the Café Church, Apple Sauce, The Wooden Box, Candle Holders and all the other crafts we were selling.  We put a lot of time and effort into this but it shows it has paid off with a Huge Success!!!  We are beginning to get our ideas for next year!  Amy and Melanie


Thank you to all the ladies that attended the Secret Sister evening.   It was a lot of fun.  Thank you to Joan M. for being at the Welcoming Table, Darlene V. for being the MC, Donna L. and Christina S. playing for us when we sung, the men that served us Jim B., Lee C., Bob G., Adam D., Jordan D., Ken S., Kees V.,  and Barry P.  Glen D. for coming in to help set tables and to our fabulous cooks Randy S. and Peter M.   Profits from the evening will be donated to Woolwich Community Services. Mark your calendars: next year’s dinner will be on Monday, December 5, 2016!


Friday December 18th
Yes, we’re still “horsin’ around” here at Gale!
We have booked a Christmas Party & Potluck at Conestoga Horseback Riding Adventures
The adventures start at 6 p.m.  We will enjoy food and fellowship in the party room and wagon rides under the stars.
Please confirm your attendance with Denise Dickieson or Mel Dow by Thurs. Dec. 17th.



Empty Jam Jars

If you have any empty jam jars at home please consider donating them to the church.


The opportunity to purchase more homemade jam!




Please think about preparing for Christmas differently this year!  Remembering that Mary and Joseph took their infant son, Jesus, and fled from danger to live for a time in Egypt as refugees, let us consider the opportunity we have to offer safe refuge to those who are fleeing the dangers they have encountered in their Syrian homeland. The Congregational Affairs Committee [Guelph quadrant] of Presbytery is hosting an evening with Rob Shropshire, staff personnel responsible for Refugee Sponsorship and Special Projects with our Presbyterian World Service & Development – PWS&D.
The date, time and place: Tuesday December 15th, 7-9:00 p.m. at Knox, Guelph
Rob will provide us with the steps that need to be taken in order to sponsor a refugee family, entertain our questions, address any concerns, and put a face on our work together as we seek to respond to the Syrian Refugee Crisis. Refreshments and handouts will be available from 6:30 p.m.



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