Gale’s Weekly Update – April 30 2021

Do you have a favourite bible verse/picture of spring that is giving you hope during the pandemic?

Consider sharing it in the next issue of our newsletter, Gale Gatherings.

Email your verse and/or photo to:

Deadline for submissions:  May 14

Gale’s Prayer Tree – a beautiful image of prayer

If you have any prayer requests, you can email them to:

A piece of yarn will be added to our Prayer Tree in the sanctuary for prayer requests during the season of Lent.  If you have a specific colour to accompany your prayer, please include that detail.

Prayer Vigil

Julene Fast, from Hawkesville Mennonite Church, is inviting churches from the Elmira area to join an organized prayer vigil for those in our province who are in the health care profession.

Her hope is that every hour for the next week there will be one person who makes this a matter of priority.

If you would like to join this vigil, open up the document below.  Pick one of the time slots and put your name beside it.  This will then be visible to all who open the document and your spot will be secure.  Nothing else is required of you in terms of signing up.

Church News

Join us online each Sunday for a pre-recorded worship service, available on our YouTube channel

Gale remains closed during the province-wide shutdown and staff can be contacted by email or phone.  See staff contact info at the bottom of this message.

Click on the following links to find out more:

* ** Ways to Give

* ** Online Church Services

* ** Family & Kids’ Resources

* ** Ways to Stay Connected

Riddle me this…..

  1. You measure my life in hours and I serve you by expiring. I’m quick when I’m thin and slow when I’m fat. The wind is my enemy. What am I?
  1. You find me in December, but not in any other month. What am I?
  1. I weigh nothing, but you can still see me. If you put me in a bucket, I make the bucket lighter. What am I?
  1. I am a word that begins with the letter I. If you add the letter A to me, I become a new word with a different meaning, but that sounds exactly the same. What word am I?
  1. I have hundreds of wheels, but move, I do not. Call me what I am: Call me a lot. What am I?
  1. What five-letter word becomes shorter if you add two letters to it?
  1. What question can you never answer “Yes” to?
  1. I’m the size of an elephant, but I weigh nothing. What am I?
  1. How many seconds are there in a year?
  1. How do you make the number one disappear?



  1. A candle
  2. The letter D
  3. A hole
  4. Isle (add A to make “Aisle”)
  5. A parking garage/”lot”
  6. “Short” (add +”er”)
  7. What does “N-O” spell?
  8. An elephant’s shadow!
  9. Twelve—January 2nd, February 2nd, March 2nd…
  10. Add the letter G and then presto—it’s Gone!



Staff Contacts:

Rev. Scott Sinclair

Richard McFadden

Melanie Dow

Janice Malloy




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