Pictures with Mom

Pictures with Mom!

For all congregation members – we need your participation!

For Mother’s Day on May 8th, the youth at Gale and Junior choir are leading the service. We are putting together a picture Benediction to celebrate and honour All our mom’s and need your pictures!

Please send Julie Donaldson your picture you would like to share.  It may be with your mom from long ago,  or from just today!   It may be a family picture or a generation picture too!  Perhaps there is a mother figure you’d like to celebrate – someone who was/is very special in your life!

If you need your picture scanned,  please give to Julie or leave it in her (Music Director’s)  mailbox.  Clearly put your names on it and she will return safely to you!

OR email your picture to to be a part of the benediction at our Mother’s Day Service.

We hope you to receive many pictures to end our service in a very special way!


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