Using your Talent

Thanks to more than 20 volunteers, 55 kids had an amazing week at Kintail on the Road. When everyone comes together we can make a project work. Check out the slide show of fun activities.

KOTR click here

There are so many different ways you can use your God given talent at Gale.

Do you enjoy being in the kitchen?  Perhaps you could make coffee every once in a while. Sharing your hospitality is a great Ministry.

Are you willing to rock a baby in a rocking chair while their parents can enjoy the service? You can even listen to the service in the nursery while that baby is in your arms.

Would you be comfortable teaching and learning about the Bible with the children of Gale? Then you could help teach Sunday school.

Perhaps you’re ready to share your ability to sing in the shower with the congregation and join the choir or the praise band!

Have you ever wondered how the A/V crew displays the words for the songs on the wall or controls the sound level? Then perhaps you would be willing to learn how and help them in the A/V booth.

This list is just a few of the places you could help at Gale. If you’re ready to use your talent at Gale send me an email today and I can get you in contact with the right person.

Thank you for considering volunteering at Gale

We make a living by what we do, but we make a life by what we give. –Winston Churchill

Lisa Molenaar

Coordinator of Volunteers and Development of Programs


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