Search Committee Update

The Search Committee is actively engaged in looking for a new minister for Gale and has been since it began its work last spring.  The process may seem slow to those who are eagerly awaiting the day we will have a full-time minister in our pulpit.

The committee has reviewed more than 45 applications, has listened to sermons from many different candidates and has interviewed four ministers.
From both the candidate’s perspective, and ours, we strive to achieve a good fit.  We want Gale to be a good choice for the candidate, and that he or she will feel inspired by what Gale has to offer and by its challenges.  At the same time, we seek someone who will help us grow into our vision and capably lead and inspire us as a congregation as we look toward the future at our new site on Barnswallow Drive.
We are seeking a sense of call on both sides and feel the responsibility in bringing the right person to the congregation.
We seek the congregation’s prayers and support as we continue to consider applicants and the needs of our church at this important time in its history.
The committee will bring forward a report at the Annual Meeting on March 2.
Your Search Committee –
Jim Bauman, Holly Boyne, Kim Denstedt, Denise Dickieson, Dave Donald, Melanie Dow, Vicky Hammell (chair),  Maria Liston,  Kevin Martin,  Dirk Molenaar, Jan Parsons, Kathy Scheeringa, and Rev. Karla Wubbenhorst, Interim Moderator


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